Family concert: “Grandpa’s journey”

Melanie and Marlon have the most amazing grandad in the world: he is 107 years old and has set 857 records, such as in slow walking and arm wrestling with a gorilla. Now Grandad Winnie only has four weeks to live and wants to set one last record: to float away as the lightest person in the world. Markus Orth’s moving and light-hearted story deals with saying goodbye to a loved one. The Scharoun Ensemble presents Grandpa’s journey for the first time in a setting by Michael Langemann.

Scharoun Ensemble Berlin

Markus Orths

Stephan Baumecker

Nele Trebs

Emil Lug

Nelly Danker

© 2024 Berlin Phil Media GmbH



Scharoun Ensemble Berlin

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